Examinations for Spring Semester 2025: June 2 - 30, 2025 / Fall Semester 2025: January 5 - 31, 2026 / Spring Semester 2026: June 1 - 30, 2026
Please note: On Saturdays there will be exams, too.
Exchange students from abroad taking courses in the Master’s of Law degree program may request (in writing, by specified deadlines) to take examinations during the last week of the semester, i.e. just before the winter holiday break or summer break.
Important Information concerning the Examination Procedures
Before a written examination begins, the supervisor will read aloud the following information to all examination takers:
If handwritten exam
- Students are only allowed to use official paper with the university logo for written examination. This paper will be provided to students on site at the examination. Every sheet of paper must have the following information on it: date, examination subject, examiner’s name, student’s matriculation number, and specifications regarding the examination taker's native language. Written examinations are anonymously graded, so names should not appear on the papers.
- Students who are not in the Bachelor’s or Master’s in Law degree programs should specify their study program / status (for example, exchange student, SEMP, LL.M., DAS, PMP).
- Students must also use the official university paper for any notes or outlines they make while taking the examination.
- Examinations cannot be written with a pencil (except for the examination Forensic Medicine for Jurists).
If BYOD exam (Bring Your Own Device)
- The exam will be written on the students' own laptop. Each examination place is connected to a power outlet.
- The exam must be saved according the instructions of the supervisors (or according to the information listed in the exam paper). The name of the file must include the student's matriculation number.
In General
- For the use of non-permitted supporting materials during written examinations (closed book) is referred to art. 41 Study Regulations RW (RSL RW).
- Students must follow any additional instructions specified by the examiner.
- Before beginning to write the examination, all students should make sure their sets of documents for the examination are complete (for example, that pages are not missing and that there are no printing problems on their documents).
- Students who finish their examinations before the end of the allotted period may turn in their papers and then leave quietly to avoid disturbing others.
- Most importantly: Any students who feel unable to write the examination due to physical or mental health problems must leave the room before the examination begins. They then must submit a medical certificate to the Dean's Office within the next few days. Anyone who stays in the room beyond this point must write the examination in its entirety and receive a grade for the examination.